Four Considerations When Replacing your Fence

If you are planning to get a new fence this summer whilst the weather is good, then there are lots of things to take into account to make sure that you choose a fence that is suitable for you. Here are some tips to make sure that you do your fencing the right way…

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Check Planning Laws – There are rules around fencing styles and height, so make sure that you are aware of them before you choose something that is not allowed, as then you will be asked to remove it. It is also important to be aware that if you live in certain areas such as a conservation area, or your property is listed, there may be other restrictions to what types of fencing you can use.

Discuss with your Neighbour – To be polite you should always discuss your fence plans with your neighbour that is adjoining you.

Get a Professional in – You will want your new fence to last as long as possible, so it is best to get a professional to come and install it for you like this fencing Loughborough based company

This will mean that your fence is not only installed to a high standard but also that you don’t have to spend time doing it yourself.

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Consider Security – This is an important function of a fence, and even more so if you have children, or pets that you need to keep safely in the garden.

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