You may need extra cash for many reasons. One way to get it is by using your home. These are some ideas on how you can make money with your home.
- Rent a room
Did you know you can rent a room out of your house and get tax-free money? You don’t need to inform the taxman. It is perfectly legal. This is a great way to encourage people to rent out spare bedrooms and ease the housing crisis. You could earn hundreds of pounds more every month.
- Rent out your driveway
We are also short on parking spaces. If you have an extra driveway, it could make you money. If you are lucky enough to live near popular attractions, an airport or major businesses, then you can charge a higher rate.
- Release some equity
You could have a goldmine in your house, but it’s locked up inside the bricks. You can look into equity release schemes and speak to an Equity Release Solicitor. Equity release allows you to borrow money against the value of your home, without selling it. For an Equity Release Solicitor, contact Tivoli.
- Make your home famous
Film-makers often need certain types of homes as sets for productions. While this won’t be enough for you to retire, you may want to consider registering your house with an online agency. This is especially true if your house is quirky, unusual or old.
- Students can be taken in
Some people don’t like the idea of having a lodger. Why not host a student instead? While helping a youngster, you can earn some extra money. You can earn up to £100 per week by providing a roof and a meal for them every day.