How Schools Can Lead the Way in Digital Education

Whether it is a digital textbook, an interactive website, or other digital content, the power of technology to improve learning is undeniable. Educators who are able to harness this technology can improve equity in schools and ensure students have access to learning materials beyond the classroom. By providing students with the tools to read e-books, locate homework instructions, share important information with family, and create independent projects, students can use digital tools to learn more and connect with subject experts.

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Digital education is also an opportunity to reach learners in remote areas. For instance, a study conducted in 2017 evaluated a programme that broadcast live lessons via satellite to rural Ghanaian learners. This programme enabled classrooms to connect to a central studio in Accra and was found to increase students’ reading and numeracy scores without affecting the amount of time in the classroom devoted to instruction. A school can lead the way by ensuring it has a cutting edge website. Find out more about Websites for schools by contacting

Another example is a school district in Illinois, United States, which integrated traditional and digital methods. Through a collaborative learning environment, students worked on projects, solved problems, and built relationships with classmates. During one project, fifth graders helped their second graders create comic strips based on the Dr. Seuss books they were studying. Another project involved students building rovers that can navigate a series of obstacles.

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Digital learning also gives educators the opportunity to focus on individualised learning. By focusing on student needs and competencies, teachers can focus on fostering student interest and learning. In addition, students can engage in real-time assessment while completing a course.

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