The ornaments on the body have transcended from ancestral cultures and have survived to this day with an almost unalterable validity. Proof of this is the vitality of the body art of piercing that today is still a practice for millions of people around the world.
In the case of ear piercing, there is an antecedent in the custom of putting earrings in the earlobe of newborn or young girls. Although this was an exclusive practice for women, it was later expanded to reach the male gender.
The conch or conch piercing is one of those piercings that have appeared in the course of time as variants of the ancient one that was made in the lobe. Today we are going to know a little more about this accessory. In this post you will find everything you have to know about this accessory, I invite you to also read valuable and exciting information on piercing on our website.
We present you the conch piercing
The piercing conch, also recognized as fritters, allusive name to a part of the outer ear. The shell is a depression located on the outside of the ear, precisely in the middle zone with a funnel-like shape, limited by the tragus, anthelix, and tragus.
The piercing is then performed at the top of the central bottom of the ear. The healthy indication is that the intervention is carried out by a professional with proven experience; A rigid hygienic control must be applied in the space occupied by the piercing.
How is the conch piercing placed?
The most important thing to keep in mind when putting on this accessory is to have professional assistance that guarantees the application of the most correct hygiene techniques. In addition, the expert offers the best work from an aesthetic point of view.
Do not fall into the mistake of putting on your piercing by following some tutorials that are available on the internet, keep in mind that you are going to make an injury to your body and that it is better not to risk.
The process for the placement of the piercing is quick and easy.
- The ear is disinfected: this is done to reduce the risk of infection.
- The perorates mark the exact point where the piercing is going to be done
- The jewel of your choice is drilled and embedded.
Verify that in each of these steps the piercer is wearing sterile gloves.
The conch piercing, does it hurt?
We will tell you that drilling cartilage is not as easy as doing it in soft tissues, therefore the painful sensation is stronger, but as consolation, we will also tell you that the pain decreases rapidly after the opening. It is worth supporting that “pain” if you are going to enhance your style. Don’t you think
Conch piercing care
We know that performing surgical work on our bodies requires the strictest hygiene and sterilization standards. Take into account the following recommendations to avoid possible infections or delay in the healing process:
- If you have long hair you should preferably wear it in the first days after the piercing installation.
- It is important not to sleep on the side of the earring until it is healed, a convenient practice because it reduces the risk of twisting it and the formation of small pimples around the opening.
- Daily cleaning is essential; Wash the area two or three times a day with saline solution, using sterilized swabs. If there are granites or crusts, moisten them and remove them slowly.
- If the healing is well underway, the jewel can be moved not abruptly, for that, you should previously wash your hands with antiseptic soap.
- The part can be changed after 60 days if the healing is partial. Total healing is reached after 6 months.
- For daily cleaning do not use alcohol, creams, hydrogen peroxide, or iodized products.
What to do when the conch piercing becomes inflamed?
The surgical intervention needs meticulous post-operative care. If you have complied with the basic hygienic advice. And the infection persists out of the normal. Such as delayed healing, redness, fever, presence of pus or blood in the place. You should go promptly to a professional medical consultation that will indicate anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.
Take food precautions to reduce inflammation, ingest small amounts of cold cuts, fried foods, sweets, soft drinks. There are foods that contain natural anti-inflammatories such as garlic, saffron, saffron