How to Host a Great Event

Need to pull off an event? Whether you’re prepping for a performance or planning for a school play, here are our top tips for an effortless event:

Venue Prep

Arrive early, set the stage, check the tech and make sure any welcome drinks are chilling. Safety first-confirm Event Medical Cover, first aid kits and fire exits and ensure your volunteers know the lay of the land. For those in need of expert Event Medical Cover, companies such as can offer solutions.

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Welcome Guests

Your performers and speakers are the heartbeat of your event. Go through their prep lists and remember a friendly introduction will set the stage for a super smooth event.

Smooth Guest Registration

First impressions matter. A dedicated team at the entrance ensures hassle-free check-in-scanning tickets, serving welcome drinks and handing out name tags. Tech checks for barcode scanners are a must.

Navigating Guests

Ever been lost at an event? Avoid that frustration for your guests. Clear signage is a must, guiding them to entrances, wardrobes, event spaces, exits and more. Dedicated volunteers can help to create a great guest experience.

Social Media Buzz

Why limit the buzz to just the event day? Keep your social media fire alive. Encourage attendees to use event hashtags, interact with speakers through social media and set up spots with visible branding for those shareable moments.

Time Management

Make sure to keep everyone on track-speakers, performers and even the DJ. Watch the clock and gently remind everyone of their slots. Efficient communication helps an event run like clockwork.

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Wrapping It Up

It’s time to close the curtains. Check in with performers or speakers and get coordinating the clean-up. Don’t forget to celebrate with your team too – after all, the hard work is done!

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