Signs you may need a new roof

Ignoring small roofing problems could lead to expensive repairs further down the road, so here is our guide to help you figure out whether your roof needs replacing and the warning signs to look out for.
Light in your attic

If you can see sunlight streaming through your attic ceiling, it is a sign that your roof has significant issues with damage. Even a small hole can allow water or pests to enter your home, leading to expensive future repairs. Inspect your attic regularly for any signs of daylight peeking through and address them quickly.

r/DIYUK - a close up of a roof

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Moss on your roof tiles

Moss is not something you want growing on your roof, as it can trap moisture against your tiles and lead to mould and damage over time. If you notice moss growing on your roof tiles, it could be a sign that water is not running off your roof in the way it should.

Water damage

Leaks are another clear indication that your roof is in trouble. If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, it is time to investigate. Keep in mind that the source of leaks can sometimes be tricky to find, so it is best to call in a professional if you suspect you have one. An internet search for a specialist roofing company Gloucester will bring up results such as

Slipped tiles or sagging

Tiles can often slip in heavy winds, so inspect your roof regularly for any tiles that are out of place or completely missing. Even a few slipped tiles can lead to water damage and other issues. Look for signs such as cracked or chipped tiles, as these can also indicate areas where water might get in and penetrate. Also pay attention to any loose or damaged flashing around vents, chimneys, or skylights, as these areas will commonly leak if not properly sealed.


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While you are inspecting your roof, pay attention to any uneven or sagging areas. A sagging roof could mean there is significant structural damage underneath that requires immediate attention.

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