The world of garden waste

As soon as you come to do anything in the garden, you recreate waste. Cutting back the hydrangea or looking to trim the lawn, whatever the job is, you are going to find yourself facing the same problem repeatedly. This problem is namely, how to get rid of the extra waste.

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For example, take the laying of some new slabs. Every garden looks better with some tidy pavings slabs. However, the work required to get them installed is quite considerable. First of all, you have to dig down a good few feet to make sure the foundations that you put in are solid. The question is what to do with all the excess soil. You could look at distributing this around the garden, but it’s not an ideal solution.

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What you can do next is take it all down the tip. They are pretty happy to accept soil because it can be made into topsoil again with the correct treatment. Transporting it is a real problem. However, the answer is at hand with the use of the trailer. Even if you find that a part has broken or come loose, Trailer Parts from are easy to obtain and give the trailer some much-needed longevity.

It’s easy to load and then unload the soil from the back of the trailer and into the recycler at the tip.

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