Stay Safe From Fire Especially In Your Own Home

Most adults have at some point in their lives, watched live television News Broadcasts that unfortunately show the true, terrible, tragic tales of house fires.  Just under eight years ago on 14 June 2017, a high-rise fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington.  Tragically seventy innocent people died at the scene and two more people later died in hospital, the intense fire burned for sixty hours!  Only Two hundred and twenty-three tenants escaped with no injuries while another seventy were hurt as they attempted to leave the burning building.

You can NEVER be too cautious when it comes to the prevention of fire, and doing everything you can to stop one ever starting is always better than recovering from one after the damage has been done!  You can easily book a thorough Fire Risk Assessment through a professional, reputable, experienced, Fire Safety Expert such as  A Fire Risk Assessment is an organised and methodical look at your premises and should be carried out by a Team of experts who know exactly what to look for and what advice to give you.  The main aims of a proper Fire Risk Assessment are, 1) To reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm, to as low as reasonably practicable, 2) To identify and point out any and all Fire Hazards, 3) To decide what physical Fire Precautions and Management Arrangements are necessary, 4) To ensure the safety of people in the premises, if a fire does start.

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