How To Add Delay In Android Studio

Android Studio is a coding tool for developing software for Android devices. This programming language allows you to create applications that can be downloaded on any Android device. Since there are so many features in this program, it’s understandable that this can be intimidating at first. However, you don’t have to worry because these tips will show you how to add delay in android studio with just a few clicks of your mouse!

What is Android Studio?

Android Studio is a software development environment for developing and debugging Android applications. It includes an integrated development environment (IDE) with code editors, annotations, and refactoring tools, as well as support for version control systems such as Git and Mercurial. Furthermore, Android Studio has an embedded debugger that allows developers to debug apps on a physical or virtual device.

How to add delay in android studio

Delaying the execution of code can be a helpful tool for optimizing an application or ensuring that it runs correctly. To add a delay, first open Android Studio and then navigate to the menu: File -> New -> Other. Choose the Delay Execution option from the pop-up dialog box. The following options are added to the bottom of the editor window:

Specify Initial Delay Specify Final Delay Specify Additional Time After Execution (in Milliseconds) Specify Automatic Sleep Time (in Milliseconds) Specify Command Line Arguments Use at Runtime Inactivity Interval Add Arguments List Path to Command Line Argument File Click on Add button and click on Next button. A popup Window will appear with the details of the delay. Provide all needed information such as file path, name of class, class name, and link to command line argument file.

The following options are available in the Delay Execution dialog box: Specify Initial Delay Specify Final Delay Specify Additional Time After Execution (in Milliseconds) Specify Automatic Sleep Time (in Milliseconds) Specify Command Line Arguments Use at Runtime Inactivity Interval Add Arguments List Path to Command Line Argument File Click on Save button when done.

When you add the command line arguments list file to the project, it will automatically be added as a part of the build process. There is no need to manually add this file.

To delete the delay execution, select Tools -> Delete from menus or click on the Del key on the keyboard. The Remove this entry option will give you the option to remove the command line arguments list file from the project.


When you start Android Studio, you may see a yellow screen with the message “loading…”. This can be caused by one of the following:

An incompatible version of Android Studio is being used. See Troubleshooting#Android Studio versions for more information.

A plugin isn’t installed or enabled. See Installing and Plugging in Plugins for more information.

A missing dependency is preventing Android Studio from starting. See Installing Dependencies for more information.

To fix the loading… message, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Android Studio menu option (or go to the Tools menu) and select Open a Run Configuration.

2. In the Run menu, select Edit Configurations… .

3. In the dialog box that opens, click on Android and click OK.

4. On the toolbar, click the play icon or press F9. You will see a yellow screen with the message “Loading…” after 1–2 minutes.


If you’re like most Android developers, you probably use Android Studio to write code and build your apps. However, what if you want to add a delay to an activity or fragment in your app? You can’t just type in a delay time – Android Studio needs the time in seconds. Fortunately, there’s a quick shortcut for adding delays in Android Studio: right-click on the activity or fragment you want to delay and select “Add Delay…” from the context menu. In addition, you can also set up delays using the built-in Activity Manager classes.

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